Friday 30 September 2011

How many more children have to be harmed?????

We have all sobbed as the details of children who were murdered by their fathers are broad casted over the news. We wept for Darcey and Yasmin as we heard about their last moments and the fact that someone who was suppose to love and protect them betrayed them. My question is how many more mothers and children have to be harmed and how many more lives destroyed before Australia says "NO MORE". The truth is that many children are harmed and killed by people they trust and these people are known to the family courts. Can you honestly believe that these innocent lives were lost for nothing??? There deaths a stain on the family court and yet was swept under the rug after a few days for bigger news.

These father's rights group have come out in masses to support these murders blaming the mothers and the courts for the deaths of these children. They have said more children will die at their father's hands and yet the courts are still handing over children to these men. These father's rights groups want the public to believe that these murders killed innocent children because they got a raw deal in family court. These children lost their lives so excuse me who got the raw deal??? Certainly not the fathers as they are living it up in jail. They have three home cooked meals prepared for them daily, they have access to TVs, Internet, are able to continue on with studies and every day they wake up. These innocent babies don't get any of this so I say again, who got the raw deal?? Who was let down by the family court??? In 25 years at the most these men will walk out of prison a free man. Every day Darcey's mum wakes knowing this man is still alive while her innocent baby did not get the chance to grow up.

These father's rights thugs are misleading the public and manipulating the truth to further push their own agenda. These thugs will have you believe that domestic violence does not exist and that all women lie about experiencing abuse. Even with proof of the violence these thugs say its the woman's fault, they pushed the men to do it, he had no choice in the matter. These thugs think it is acceptable to treat women and children like possessions which they own. These thugs are multiplying at an alarming rate and have infiltrated the family court system, the media and the scarified bond of motherhood by recruiting mothers to turn on other mothers. I use the word thugs because that is what they are. They will stoop to whatever level they have to to server their own agenda and have proved this time and time again.

So what is the father's rights thugs agenda??? To me is seems to rid the world of mother's so they can not be judged or exposed. The ultimate control over a mother is her children. They think by ridding the mother of the children she will be helpless. I want to make myself very clear here I WILL ALWAYS BE A MOTHER NO MATTER WHAT, YOU TAKE MY CHILD AND I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING. YOU CAN NOT CONTROL ME AND YOU WILL NEVER STOP ME FROM USING MY VOICE. I WILL NOT SURRENDER TO YOU OR YOUR WANTS. YOU PICKED THE WRONG MOTHER TO MESS WITH, YOU MAKE KNOCK ME DOWN BUT YOU WILL NEVER SHUT ME UP. You see father's rights thugs are all about control and I will never hand over my control to anyone.

So why did Darcey's dad throw her over the bridge but allow her brother to live???? Was it to teach his son how to control women using force??? That poor little boy sat and watched his father steal an innocent life. That poor little boy will be forever haunted by the image of what he saw. The thing is this may in turn continue the cycle of men controlling women.


I know mothers everywhere breathe a sigh of relief when they get their child back from the father and the child is alive, yes the harm has been done whether physically or emotionally or psychologically but the child is alive for another day and that is all the matters. Women are living in fear that their children will be the next ones who are on the news because the father has decided he is going to punish his ex by taking away her children for good.

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