Saturday 3 September 2011

Protecting Children in Family Court

We all want to protect our children and are lead to believe that the courts will help us do this. Fact is they often don't. Many children are forced to spend time with their abusers because of the current family laws.Think I am lying??? Ha I wish I was believe me. I know many mother's who have to pack off their children to go and see an abuser even though they have an AVO or DVO.

Thanks to John Howard father's now have more rights then ever and after often given accuse to abuse children and their mother's even more. This is court appointed abuse. Best interest of the child means t have a relationship with both parents even if they have experienced abuse. Most people wont believe me until they are put in this situation and don't even mention that this is happening to your friends because you will get "yeah right".

Even with proof of the abuse your child will still be made to spend some time with an abuser whether it starts out as supervised or not. Scary thought I know. You left the relationship to protect your children from the abuse and yet the court sends them straight back.They do this because of the current family laws.

Most abuses seek orders through the family court to continue the abuse on mother's and also as a way to continue to control your life. They still intimidate you and can have orders controlling what you can and can not do. They also can demand your contact details including your address and phone number. And don't think for a second that the AVO you have will stop them contacting you because unfortunately it wont.

So how do we keep our children safe with our current family laws??? We can't all we can do is hope like hell the changes to the Family Law put children's rights above parents and that they are passed through senate.

Want to help??? email your support for the new family law bill to

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